Info about digital forms.
You have a few different options that I know of for forms that are completely fillable and signable online, and here they are:
Easiest: If you have an electronic medical record service, such as Simple Practice, they likely have a client portal for all your forms, and so you could just put a link in your main navigation that would take new clients to that page. When you go to add a new page to main navigation there is actually an option to add a link, easy peasy!
Pretty easy but will cost you ~$20/month and you have to build your forms: You can get a Hushmail account which will provide you with both a HIPAA compliant email as well as fillable, signable forms. You can again simply provide your clients a link to your portal.
Pretty easy for you, and $6/month but a little less user-friendly for your clients: Use a combo of GSuite and downloadable forms (which we have a page set up for in this template). Here are the steps:
1) Make sure your Squarespace account is active.
2) Set up a GSuite account by going to Settings -> Email & GSuite.
3) Next, make your email HIPAA compliant. You can find the steps here.
4) Upload your forms to the New Client Forms page (pssst, we cover this in the tutorial). Decide if you want them to be fillable PDF’s. You will need to use software such as Adobe Acrobat to create a fillable form.
(note: you can create fillable, e-signable forms using Adobe Sign for Small Business, but it’s also $20/month and way less user friendly, so just use Hushmail if you want to go that route).
5) If your clients need to print, sign, scan, and send back, it might be nice to recommend what free software they can use. You will need to research this and recommend what you feel comfortable with as far as security goes. Or you can let them do what they are comfortable with.